Tiempos 2023/05

May 2023

Rodolfo Berrios
Rodolfo Berrios   Rodolfo

This is the issue #17 of Chevereto Tiempos, the monthly curated recap for all-things Chevereto, crafted by its own creator.

# 📣 Chevereto v4.0.8 announcement

Patch release v4.0.8 is on the works, this release improves translations and fix bugs.

Subscribe to the announcement to get fine-grained updates.

# 👍 Requests for changes (RFC)

We got the following requests for changes. Want to suggest yours? Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas.

# 💖 Contribute to Tiempos

Contact us to get your link featured here.

# Thanks for reading

That's all for now. If you have any interesting tip or link to share about Chevereto go to our community and join the conversation.

All about Chevereto updates, development and more.