Chevereto V4 FAQ

Frequent asked questions

Rodolfo Berrios
Rodolfo Berrios   Rodolfo

Chevereto V4 is around the corner and while this release has caught the attention of many people, lots of misinformation have been circulating about it among user groups.

We want to address these concerns in this entry, but if we miss something you can ask in the community announcement. If you aren't a customer refer to our contact page.

# 🚀 When it will be released?

Chevereto V4.0.0.beta.1 will be released on 2021-09-30. Production release (V4.0.0) will be available between 2021-12 ~ 2022-03. Note that V4.0.0 beta may get extended as needed to ship safe software.

# 🤔 Can I use beta in production?

You shouldn't. Use it under your own risk.

Chevereto V4.0 beta is for testing purposes and to iterate the system design based on user feedback. It will take a while to get V4.0 beta usable as our focus at this stage is to detect system compatibility issues inherent of a system which run on-premises. We will help our beta users when encountering issues, but we won't include support for beta issues affecting production systems.

# 👑 How to get access to it?

# New purchases

You can purchase a Chevereto V4 license at

There's a special offering until 2021-12-31: License purchase includes (1) V3 license and (1) V4 license. That's 2 different licenses.

# Existing customers

  • Purchases made from 2020-09-01: There's a license redeem option.
  • Purchases made before 2020-09-01: There's a license upgrade option.

License redeem and upgrade options will be available at until 2021-12-31.

# 🤑 How many licenses I will require?

One license per root-domain as

Note: We won't enforce domain license binding until we ship the production grade releases.

# 🏖 Where can I see a demo?

There's no online demo for V4 at this time, we will notify when that happens. Take a peek on the raw footage to get an early preview.

# 🤖 Which are the system requirements?

Chevereto V4 inherits all the Chevereto V3 requirements but under PHP 8.0.

# 📦 How to install V4?

Refer to V4 Installation instructions.

# 🆙 How to upgrade my V3 installation?

Upgrade from V3.20 will be available after releasing the production grade releases starting with V4.0.0.

Note: Chevereto V4.0 uses the same database and public upload paths as V3.20.

# 🔗 What about domain license binding?

It works similar to how DKIM signs email delivery.

We will provide you instructions to configure your DNS records to make your domain eligible to interact with our service API. You will require to indicate the IP(s) needed to query our API.

# 🕵️‍♂️ Will it be DRM signed?

No, Chevereto V4 won't be DRM signed. There won't be any license-footprint in the Chevereto V4 code as it will be distributed DRM free.

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