Tiempos 2022/06

June 2022

Rodolfo Berrios
Rodolfo Berrios   Rodolfo

This is the issue #6 of Chevereto Tiempos, a monthly recap for all-things Chevereto. We build these notes taking in consideration announcements, user submitted tips, and tech news around self-hosting and related software products.

# V4.0.0-beta.10

The V4.0.0-beta.10 release has been announced. This release improves in:

  • 🛡 Added support for two-factor authentication
  • 🛡 Added application secret encryption

V4.0.0-beta.10 is on the works, more changes will be announced and the release should be available within July 2022.


👍 We got the following requests for changes. Do us a big one for and provide your vote to drive development.

# Thanks for reading

That's all for now. If you have any interesting tip or link to share about Chevereto go to our community and join the conversation.

All about Chevereto updates, development and more.